Saturday 27 August 2016

I Lost A Role Because I Was Not Fair-Skinned—Actress Mercy Johnson

Don’t blame actresses when they bleach. They need to change their skin tones in order to get roles. If a popular actress like Mercy Johnson could be denied a good role because she is dark-skinned, then those up and coming actors are in trouble. In an interview with the New Telegraph on Saturday, Mercy Johnson revealed:
“It is very true but like I always say, it’s just about the grace. That’s how I see it, because I also faced that. Somebody once looked at me and said I was too dark for a role. But that is where grace comes in. God never fails.”
Asked also about the accusation that she is selective when it comes to taking scripts and the mother of four said,
“That is not true. People are different. What appeals to me will not appeal to someone else. One of my very popular films is Dumebi the School Girl. I know how many artistes rejected that script before I accepted to do it but it turned out to be one of the highest selling films in Nollywood in recent time because I know even two-year-olds see me and call me that.
So I think it is not fair to say I don’t select my scripts or I just jump at any script that is thrown at me. I have turned some scripts down. That is the strength in humans; our diversity, our differences. What is trash to you might not be trash to me. I do select my scripts, it’s just that I work with all of my heart.”

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