Wednesday 14 September 2016

Why You Should Not Be A Clingy Partner

In an interview comedian, Teju Baby Face revealed why he married his wife.
She is the only woman I have dated, who, when she came to my house, never tried to get my attention away from whatever I was doing. If I was watching football or reading a book, she left me alone to do so while she went about doing other things. She never for once complained I was using her to do other things. That I found fantastic.”

Allow a ‘phone’ breather 
 Try to stay off the phone for hours on end with your partner. Limit your phone calls with them. Calling someone always and not letting them off the phone easily makes you appear needy. If you find the person you call all the time is suddenly not answering the phone, this might be a clear sign that you are calling too often.

Allow ‘outside’ friendship
 Go out with friends in social situations without your partner. Encourage your partner to do the same, making sure to remove all signs of jealousy. Being independent outside of your relationship shows an attractive level of self-confidence.

Allow creativity
 Find something you enjoy that you can do outside of your relationship such as a hobby or sport. Take an art class or sign up or be spiritually engaged in your religion.

Allow ‘sins’
 Be yourself and try not to be so apologetic about everything you do. This makes you appear needy and that you have a perpetual guilty conscience. You do not need to be a perfect person for someone to love you and want to be around you.

Allow self esteem
 Feel secure with yourself, believe in yourself and know you have great worth. Do not let anybody make you feel otherwise. Remember that you are great. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are fun. If you were not, then he would not have started dating you in the first place.

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