Tuesday 13 December 2016

10 Signs You Are Dating The Wrong Person

You are always having this feeling that he is not right for you. You still feel alone in the relationship? It’s time to take stock, review and know what to do. Here are signs that he/she is the wrong person for you.

1.There is always an excuse for his/her action/inaction
When your partner always gives excuse for every single thing he/she does— claims she/he doesn’t call you often due to busy schedules, it’s obvious he/she doesn’t love you.  When your partner gives you the 24/7 excuse, the affair lacks love. No matter how busy a partner is, if they love you, there will still be little space to share thoughts, show love and they will never click the excuse icon!

2.You are the one trying to make it work
When you are the one always putting your efforts in trying to make sure your relationship works and your partner doesn't even care how the relationship stands, then you should know that you are dating the wrong person.

3.There are no mentions of you to the family

When your partner doesn't make attempt to introduce you to their family members, then you should know someone has already been introduced. You are just on stand-by!

4.There are no plans for the future
When your partner doesn't even have a reasonable goal for the relationship or doesn’t talk about plans on future with you, have a rethink. If he/she hardly talks of where the relationship is heading for and whenever you raise questions, he/she says something unreasonable, refuses to answer, or gets angry, then there is trouble. This attitude shows that you are dating the wrong person and you need to do something about it.

5. Never shows up for your memorable events
Your partner claims you are special, he or she loves you and says all sorts of sweet nothings, how will you feel when he or she doesn't show up on the day of your graduation? Or doesn't show up to celebrate with you most especially birthdays. I know you are asking what if something very important took place and he couldn’t make it to your place, and he/she apologizes, then what happens to other days when he or she does the same thing?

6. Your feelings keeps telling you ‘this person isn’t right for you’
Does a voice keep telling you that your partner is not real? Or your relationship doesn't just feel right? Your instinct must be right, follow it!

7. He/she finds it hard to introduce you to their friends or introduces you as ‘a friend’
Imagine! A friend? Meanwhile, you both claim to be in love, you have experienced ups and downs, dealt with situations together and all your partner does is refer to you as a friend, then go and review the affair. It hurts because it shows they are not proud of you still and they don’t love or even like you. Such a person can kill.

8.There is no connection at all!
When they find it hard to call or send text messages to you or don't even do any at all but on rare occasions. Connection is one of the very strong basis of a relationship if it’s not there, then it’s just a "replaytionship"

9. You still feel like you are single

When you are in a relationship where you feel you are lonely and you feel single, what does that signify to you? It shows how unimportant you are in the relationship. It shows that you are definitely with the wrong person.

10. He/she doesn’t care
You are just there, he or she doesn't care if you have eaten, how your day went, finds it hard checking on you to the extent you call to let them know you still alive. That isn’t right if you really want to have a relationship that makes sense

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