Thursday 2 June 2016

Man With Fat Bride Says, “I Love Everything About Her, Even her Size”

His name is Kojo Prince; he lives in Ghana and works in a construction firm in Accra. Very soon, he will be married to a nurse called Abena. Do we need to introduce her? She is the lady in denim top and pink flared skirt in the picture.
On his Facebook page, Kojo, on May 30, 2016 posted these pictures and it went viral! A slim dude carrying this buxom lover? Yes, he did and even posted that:

“You have always guided me when I was wrong. You came into my life and totally changed my world. I have lost total control of myself. My heart does not belong any more to me. It's given away to you. My baby, my heart, my world you are the best I've ever had.”

Since then, his followers on Facebook have increased to over 6,000. The pictures enjoyed 6, 927 shares! Speaking to a blogger, Kwadjo Panyin, Kojo kept praising his Abena, who he said he met when he went to the hospital she worked to see a relative. Kojo said in the interview:

Q: Have you had any of your friends and family complain or say negative things about your relationship?

Kojo: Well my family has no problem with whomever you intend getting married to. Once the love is true and genuine, my family is so cool with anybody we bring home or introduce to them as a fiancé or fiancée.

Q: What do you love about her the most?
Kojo: I love her size. In fact almost everything about her makes me love her. She has a warm heart, caring, loving and above all God-fearing.

Q: And you have not had your friends or strangers make fun of her size?
Kojo:Maybe at my back and not in my face. Because I would not allow anybody disrespect my woman in my face.
Q: How does she feel about her size compared to yours?
Kojo:She is always happy with how she looks. She doesn't care about what people say about her. Never! It took me a whole year and some months to win her heart. It was not easy, bro. 
 Q: Who keeps your relationship alive, what
keeps the relationship going?
Kojo: Prayers bro. Every relationship has its ups and downs but when you entrust it into the hands of God he does all the miracles without you stressing.

The size notwithstanding,  these two lovers are not ready to let go and they are heading for the altar.

Kemiashefonlovehaven wishes them the best as they prepare for the wedding.

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